Nappy News

In August 2019 we received money from the Watford Mayor’s Small Grant Fund, on condition that we supplied reusable nappies and wipes. Disposable nappies and wipes damage the environment – they go to landfill or get burned. Because washable nappies and wipes need to be stored, washed and dried in a certain way, they involve more work than disposable ones, but once a family has a kit they do not have to spend any more money. We had funds for 10 kits at £300 each, and now have 9 families using them – thanks to John Gray’s tenacity and commitment.

When a family no longer needs the nappies we are expecting to get the kit back so that it can be passed on to other families. WTRRP and the families are saving about £600 per year on nappies, as well as making a contribution towards a better environment.

Saving about £600 per year

Most of the families would be happy to share their experience & support others. We’re currently looking at ways this can happen, and we have had the instructions translated into Akam-Twi for the Ghanaan users, and also into Arabic 

The Barrow Cadbury Trust grant has also provided several hundred pounds this year for nappies and sanitary products.

Grethe Hansen, Volunteer