
We rely entirely on volunteers to provide all the charity’s services.

The number of individuals and families we support increased from 126 in 2020 to 145 in 2021, so we’re always looking for new volunteers to join us.

Our approximately 85 volunteers support refugees and asylum seekers in our community by:

  • befriending clients – at the heart of what we do
  • fundraising
  • helping organise events such as childrens’ parties and the summer party
  • helping clients to move and occasionally fixing or installing furniture or other household items
  • assisting with the administration of the charity, including various IT projects
  • helping out at the drop-in centre
  • accompanying clients to immigration / border agency offices or court appearances when regular befrienders are not available.

Volunteer training is a priority. In addition to providing access to essential courses such as vulnerable adult and child safeguarding, we hold two volunteers’ evenings each year, giving volunteers the opportunity to share experiences and learn more about the issues and challenges facing refugees and asylum seekers. All volunteers are given a copy of our ‘Volunteers’ handbook’ which describes our processes and procedures.

Whether you can spare an hour, a day or a week at a time, we’d love to hear from you.