In conversation with Ajoba

Ajoba (not her real name) has been a client of WTRRP ever since she arrived in the Watford area in 2012. She originally comes from Ghana and she and her partner have four children, all boys. She rarely asked WTRRP for help, content to enjoy our parties with her family. I met her recently and we talked about education.

‘As a very young mother, it has been a struggle – going through the immigration process, raising a family and working at the same time’ she said. ‘I have been constantly on my feet’.  Ajoba’s situation is more settled now but there is some way to go before she can be granted Indefinite Leave to Remain. Ajoba feels that she has missed out on her own education and is keen for her children to fulfil their potential. Her dream is that, one day, she too can return to studying full time.

Ajoba’s secondary education in Ghana was largely vocational. She studied at a catering school where she took the equivalent of the GCSE examination. ‘Education in Ghana is good and the core subjects are the same: maths, English and science, but schools lack materials; computers in particular’.

Ajoba has been encouraging her children to study, often searching for suitable materials for them online. ‘They should not play all the time’, she added. There are books around the house; an effort to encourage the children to read and pursue their individual interests. Three avid young readers are now keen to share their knowledge with anyone who comes to visit! One of Ajoba’s sons (in Year 4) is passionate about science, one about history (also in Year 4), and the third (in Year 2), enjoys maths. Her fourth son, only two years old, hasn’t voiced an opinion… yet.

Ajoba felt that she ‘wasn’t doing enough for her children’. She asked WTRRP if it was possible to find a teacher to help them with after school work. Anette, a WTRRP volunteer and a teacher, was happy to help and is now giving extra tuition in maths and English grammar. Talking to Ajoba was inspirational and gives a small insight into the families we are privileged to support.

Marie-Jo, Volunteer Coordinator